Hanza Kaunas 2008

Hanza Kaunas 2008 Hanza Kaunas 2008 Hanza Kaunas 2008 Hanza Kaunas 2008
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Hansa Town Festival 2009

It is already for the fifth time that Kaunas, the sole Hanseatic Town in Lithuania, romps around cheerfully. The festival is devoted to the millennium of the name of Lithuania this time. On the base of Vytautas Church in the quay of Nemunas beside the old wharf, from the very midday, knights and dames walk around, schools of courteous manners invite to learn, dancing lessons, knight tournaments, puppet-plays, concerts and traditional pig racing are organised. Here peas are steaming in huge pans and steaks are roasted on spits and beer is foaming up freely; charming witches with their brooms propped up prepare divers herbal infusions and weave magical spell. On the concrete downhill of the far bank of the river, the stripe of millennium woven from colourful square pieces of board catches one's fancy.

In the quay, various small houses, where craftspeople set out their wares, sprouted up like in a real town. Here one can get woodworking tools, earthen pots, mugs, souvenirs, metalwork; seldom can you see a genuine smith after all... Beekeepers ply with the golden honey, the handy women of the town cry advertising their knitting, rag dolls, baskets, fur and bouquets of dried flowers. And the natural autumn dahlias... so beautiful like a gorgeous carpet!

In the midtown, medieval gallows, an apparatus for execution stand prepared. I wonder whether the middle ages were notorious for crimes. Anyways, the town seems to be friendly now, nobody is calling for punishment so far, the townspeople walk around peacefully, trooped together or with the families, sup the beer, and the little ones ride the horses. Thus next to the gallows on the stage, music is played, knight tournaments take place and guest performances are given. As it is fitting for a reputable town, a chapel stands in an honourable place where a comely young sister keeps house thoroughly. The townspeople who have sinned more or less must be willing to confess their real or cock-and-bull sins at the end of the day...

The celebration goes on! I've also been there, drank beer and mead, the drinks ran over my beard. Remember to come round tomorrow! Guests are always welcome in the Hansa town!

You are welcome to view the gallery of the festival of the Hansa town.



Hanza League

Kaunui yra leista organizuoti 2011 metų visos Hanza miestų sąjungos tarptautinę šventę. Jos metu tikimės sulaukti nuo penkių iki septynių tūkstančių svečių!


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